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How much does a TF2 key cost?

depends where you buy it from. If you're talking about hte mannco store, it's 2 and a half USD. It can be cheaper on the steam market, and even cheaper on certain trading sites. A tf2 key is around 2.50 usd. A little less maybe.

How long are TF2 keys untradeable?

After purchasing items from the market, TF2 keys become untradeable for seven days. A new account has a three-day waiting period before they can trade their keys. You can also exchange keys for REF or buy them with refined metals. One TF2 key costs around 51 REF, although the price can fluctuate.

Can you trade TF2 keys for metals?

You can also exchange keys for REF or buy them with refined metals. One TF2 key costs around 51 REF, although the price can fluctuate. If you want to trade the keys for metals to make profits, you will need to buy the keys cheaply on online markets or shops that aren’t Steam and exchange them for metals.

Can you buy weapons in TF2?

You can purchase weapons or cosmetics in TF2 using these keys. Some traders will trade your TF2 keys for fiat currency, while others will only trade with players who are willing to exchange them for their keys. There are many ways to get a key, but a few options are common.

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